Love Others


My neighborhood is filled with diversity. It is unique…and I love it! I’m not talkin’ about Mr. Rogers here, this is my neighborhood.

In our little neighborhood we have Drug dealers, Alcoholics, Christians, Bipolars, Robbers, Homosexuals, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Bikers, Mentally Challenged, Blacks, Whites, Asians, Handicapped, and most of all Ohio State Fans. (My wife is an avid Michigan fan)

Everyday, Rachel and I take our son Cade for a stroll around the neighborhood. Over time, we have become acquainted with several of our neighbors and have developed friendships as well.

Here’s the best part …WE ALL GET ALONG.

We accept each other and help each other out despite our beliefs and convictions. We check up on each other daily and make sure everything is alright. We take time to listen when we have bad days or struggles. We help each other out with yard work. To put it simply, we share life together. Often times I think to myself, “This is what Jesus meant by Church and to love your neighbor.”

All of us have neighbors. And all of us have two categories we tend to put our neighbors in.

The Likables
The Unlikables

We also tend to spend more time with the likables than the unlikables. We are more friendly towards them and pay more attention to their needs than we do the unlikables.

Let’s be honest here. We play favorites…and we’re ok with that. Allow me to challenge you today. STOP IT. Quit playing favorites and put an end to judging those different than you. We are called to love each other and to give more love and grace to those who need more. What’s holding you back?

What neighbor(s) are you not expressing love to?

Maybe you have never spoken to your neighbor…today is a good day to start.