Quick Thought on Being Named “Christians”

Last night Rachel and I attended our first small group meeting with our new group. We’re reading/discussing through the book “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan (great book by the way). The discussion we had was about the foreword of that book which was written by Chris Tomlin. What stuck out the most was that the term “Christian” was given to followers of Christ by secular people! Acts 11:26 says that “the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.”

This might not seem to be a shocker to those of you who have read Acts, but can people today look at your life and “name” you Christian? Being a Christian is not something we can claim to be, it is a name given us because of our actions. Are we acting in such a way to others that they can truly say “That is a Christian.”

The love of Christ is OBVIOUS…if people have to guess at what we believe in because our lives aren’t showing it, maybe we need to re-consider who it is we’re following…who it is we’re living for.

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